Jul 12, 2022Liked by Jas Obrecht

Thank you so much for this Jas! Love how you guided the interview by asking the right questions but also let Ed speak his mind.

It would be great to also hear the 1980 and 1978 Day On The Green interviews if at all possible.

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Great job & thanks for sharing this with us, Jas! I was one of the thousands (?) of teens dreaming to be Edward, hanging on every word you shared with us in your magazine articles. I was fortunate to meet him (& the 3 others) at a record-store signing in Aug. '78, then see them open for Sabbath a month later. I actually sought, bought, & sawed up my own Teisco Del Rey hoping to imitate his Ibanez ("Shark") Destroyer based on what he shared in your first interview (which I just listened to on your YT channel). Anyway, you should be given some sort of journalism award for the historical importance of your work.

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This is wild after all these years hearing this on audio! JAS,Thanks so much for uploading this!

This interview settles many "internet gossip" issues like what really went down with companies.

It is hard to believe that this was 44 years ago because to me it seems like it was not that long ago.

I still remember getting all worked up everytime EVH would be in a magazine. I would read the interview like 5 times them practice guitar all day and night after! I wanted to be like EVH at that time.

This was such a great interview and now finally hearing it is just so amazing! Great stuff!

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