Concerning "Muddy Waters/Folk Singer" I have a few thoughts...you didn't mention that on the Copa Cabana gig Muddy, Dixon and Guy vocalize together on their set opener "Wee Wee Baby" loosely modeled on Dixon's hit arrangement of the classic he recorded with his Big Three. On it Buddy plays one his most impassioned solos ever hitting the brand new strings on his Strat really hard...as the night goes on his Strat gradually drifts up and out of tune (sharp)...it was recorded on a hot 4th of July...me personally I'm a fan of electric guitar, I really don't like the "unplugged" movement. Acoustic guitar rarely has a good tone. I never bought this LP and have only played it a couple times. Did it sell well? I'm not sure Chess ever really "cashed in" on the Folk craze successfully. Its interesting as a curio to me.

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Johnny Lee Hooker’s advice rings true. I would add from my 60 year experience don’t put vibrato on every note…leave some notes “dry”!

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